ARFF Current 2024 Practice Schedule

ARFF practices at our home field in Carlisle, Massachusetts from late April until November (weather permitting). Our practices include full courses from USDAA, AKC, CPE and NADAC trials, as well as exercises designed to teach and refine handling skills. Members of the Practice Committee offer insights and assistance during practice for those who would like training help. ​
Wednesday 4:00 Playtime
4:30 Setup
5:00 Practice Time
7:00 Practice ends
Saturday 9:00 Setup
9:30 Practice Time
11:00 Practice ends
11:00 Playtime
Sunday 9:00 Setup
9:30 Practice Time
11:00 Practice ends
11:00 Playtime
Please bring the course/exercise maps to practice. You'll find them by clicking the link at the top of each description.
sign up for practice
  • 8-7-24: Building a Skill: Running behind a Tunnel
    There are times when it makes sense to run “behind” a tunnel (around the outside). This may weird out your dog unless you specifically train for it. Following up on the Building a Skill workshop, these exercises show you step-by-step what to do to introduce this concept  to your dog and hone his performance. Don’t forget ... Read More
  • 7-24-24: Serpentines with Table
    It may just be 4 jumps and a table, but these two serpentine exercises will keep you on your toes and happy for a pause at the table. Please sign up at Please remember to print and bring the layout and maps to practice.
  • 7-17-24: Building a Skill: Running behind a Tunnel
    There are times when it makes sense to run “behind” a tunnel (around the outside). This may weird out your dog unless you specifically train for it. Following up on the Building a Skill workshop, these exercises show you step-by-step what to do to introduce this concept  to your dog and hone his performance. Don’t forget ... Read More
  • 7-10-24 More Contact Discriminations
    These are the classic setups of tunnel-under-A-frame and tunel-under-dogwalk that you encounter so often at trials. In either case, you’ll have a chance to “flip” your dog from the end of the dogwalk or A-frame into the tunnel behind him. It’s a useful skill. Signup and see who else has signed up at
  • 7-3-24: Tight Turns with Weaves
    Getting a good weave entry and performance in tight, twisty courses takes practice. These two setups offer wraps, tunnel sends, serpentines, threadles, and odd weave entries.