7-26-23_Teeter & A-frame exercise

You’ll try various approaches to and exits from the teeter and deal with a straight tunnel under the A-frame. Signup and see who else has signed up at https://bit.ly/ARFF_Practice

7-19-23_ AKC Premier Std segment

This segment of an AKC Premier course offers practice on all three contacts, managing a tricky tunnel entry, and getting to a backside after a triple. Signup and see who else has signed up at https://bit.ly/ARFF_Practice

7-12-23_Challenging Weave Entries

To develop true, independent performance of the weaves, your dog needs to learn how to nail the correct entry every time, no matter where he’s coming from or where you are. The first exercise helps you decide on the line you want to set your dog on to enter the weaves. The second exercise presents challenging weave entries in a … Read More

7-5-23_Finding the Tunnel Entry

This setup will help your dog search for a tunnel entry he may not initially see and to get comfortable with your going around the “backside” of a curved tunnel. Jackpot his successes. Signup and see who else has signed up at https://bit.ly/ARFF_Practice

6-28-23_Tight Turns, Figure 8s & Backsides

Simple setups can be deceiving. With tight turns and backsides, you have to take care to be precisely where you want to be to cue your dog. Plan your runs accordingly. Signup and see who else has signed up at https://bit.ly/ARFF_Practice