Think about whether you want to lead out or run with your dog for these exercises. Look at the paths carefully, and plan your crosses so that you can give your dog the smoothest, clearest ride. Exercise 2, green boxes, are the most challenging. Pick a piece of this exercise to work on if you want instead of trying to … Read More
5-22-21: USDAA@Home St/P1 & Adv/P2 Gamblers
USDAA has two course setups for all levels of gamblers. St/P1 and Adv/P2 require 15 points; course time varies with level: it’s on the course maps. If you’re planning to run Ma/P3 or Vets, check the course maps on the USDAA@Home website. Give it a try and have fun! Two PDFs (one the setup and courses, the other the briefing). … Read More
5-19-21: USDAA Jumpers course
Here’s a Masters Jumpers course with an alternate. Both present challenges: Which way to turn after a jump? Where to cross? Which side of the serpentine do you want to be on? Should you consider running on the outside of a tunnel? Can you do consecutive wraps? If you’re not running full courses yet, just try sections.
5-12-21: Startline Challenges
Exercises to run with your dog or lead out. You decide. Plan ahead!