10-11-23_Teeter Approaches

These exercises aim to get your dog comfortable approaching the teeter from various angles and different obstacles. The more comfortable he is about getting on the teeter, the more control you’ll have of his performance. Signup and see who else has signed up at https://bit.ly/ARFF_Practice

10-4-23_USDAA Gamblers

This course offers gamble options for Starters-, Advanced-, and Masters-level dogs. If there are enough people, we could time opening and closing sequences. Signup and see who else has signed up at https://bit.ly/ARFF_Practice

9-27-23_Serpentines in Sequence

Serpentines are common configurations in agility. Recognizing them and knowing how to manage them will make your runs faster and much smoother. The general rules for dealing with serpentines are 1) first look at where you want to be after the serpentine (that often determines which side of the serpentine you want to handle on—or whether to switch sides mid-serpentine) and 2) … Read More

9-20-23_Tunnel Sends & Layering

Layering, combined with solid tunnel sends, can save you a lot of running and babysitting on course. Exercise 1 focuses on layering only. Exercise 2 combines layering with tunnel-sending skills. Note: 3 pages to download. Signup and see who else has signed up at https://bit.ly/ARFF_Practice

9-13-23_AKC Championship Final 2023

This ACK Championship Final will keep you on your toes with a challenging opening jump sequence to the weaves, a cock-eyed serpentine in the middle, and dueling tunnels at the end. Have fun (and break it into sections if you need to). Signup and see who else has signed up at https://bit.ly/ARFF_Practice